All Blog Posts

Geoinformatics and Social Media: A New Big Data Challenge

Feb 25 2014

We recently contributed a chapter to “Big Data: Techniques and Technologies in Geoinformatics” entitled “Geoinformatics and Social Media: A New Big Data Challenge” where we explore how social media and ambient geographic information is transforming geoinformatics. We discuss the key characteristics of big geosocial data beofre moving onto geosocial complexity.  Specifically how goeosocial data is […]

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International Relations: State-Driven and Citizen-Driven Networks

Feb 21 2014

Our work exploring how social media can be used to study events around the world has resulted in a new publication in the  Social Science Computer Review entitled “International Relations: State-Driven and Citizen-Driven Networks.” In essence what we are attempting to do is compare traditional international relations (e.g. from the United Nations General Assembly voting […]

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Work featured in IQT Quarterly

Nov 11 2013

Two of our recent papers have been  featured in IQT Quarterly. The first looks at completeness and error in VGI and the second features some of our work on social media and polycentric communities. The papers have been significantly shortened and edited and make easy reading (that’s not to say the original papers were difficult […]

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IR: State-Driven and Citizen-Driven Networks

Nov 11 2013

Our work exploring how social media can be used to study events around the world has resulted in a new publication in the  Social Science Computer Review entitled “International Relations: State-Driven and Citizen-Driven Networks.” In essence what we are attempting to do is compare traditional international relations (e.g. from the United Nations General Assembly voting […]

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Demarcating New Boundaries: Mapping Virtual Polycentric Communities through Social Media Content

The proliferation of social media has led to the emergence of a new type of geospatial information that defies the conventions of authoritative or volunteered geographic information, yet can be harvested to reveal unique and dynamic information about people and their activities.
