
Journal Papers

  • Vraga, E., Stefanidis, A., Lamprianidis, G., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T. Delamater, P.L., Pfoser, D., Radzikowski, J. and Jacobsen, K.H. (2018), Cancer and Social Media: A Comparison of Traffic about Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, and Other Reproductive Cancers on Twitter and Instagram, Journal of Health Communication. DOI: (pdf)
  • Vraga, E. K., Radzikowski, J., Stefanidis, A., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Delamater, P., Pfoser, D. and Jacobsen, K. H. (2017). Social Media Engagement with Cancer Awareness Campaigns Declined During the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. World Medical and Health Policy, 9(4): 456–465. (pdf)
  • Stefanidis, A., Vraga, E., Lamprianidis, G., Radzikowski, J., Delamater, P.L., Jacobsen, K.H., Pfoser, D., Croitoru, A. and Crooks, A.T. (2017). “Zika in Twitter: Temporal Variations of Locations, Actors, and Concepts”, JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 3 (2): e22. (pdf)
  • Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A., Jenkins, A., Mahabir, R., Agouris, P. and Stefanidis A. (2016). “User-Generated Big Data and Urban Morphology,”  Built Environment, 42 (3): 396-414. (pdf)
  • Jenkins A., Croitoru, A. Crooks, A.T. and Stefanidis, A. (2016), Crowdsourcing A Collective Sense of Place, PLoS ONE, 11(4): e0152932. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152932 (pdf)
  • Stefanidis, A., Jenkins A., Croitoru, A. and Crooks, A. (2016). Megacities Through the Lens of Social Media, Journal of the Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC), 3(1): 24-29. (pdf)
  • Jacobsen, K.H., Aguirre, A.A., Bailey, C.L., Baranova, A.V., Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A., Delamater, P.L., Gupta, J., Kehn-Hall, K., Narayanan, A., Pierobon, M., Rowan K.E., Schwebach, J.R., Seshaiyer, P., Sklarew, D.M., Stefanidis, A. and Agouris, P. (2016), Lessons from the Ebola Outbreak: Action Items for Emerging Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response, EcoHealth. DOI: 10.1007/s10393-016-1100-5 (pdf)
  • Radzikowski, J., Stefanidis, A., Jacobsen K.H., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T. and Delamater, P.L. (2016), The Measles Vaccination Narrative in Twitter: A Quantitative Analysis, JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 2(1): e1. (pdf)
  • Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A., Lu, X., Wise, S., Irvine, J. and Stefanidis, A. (2015),  Walk this Way: Improving Pedestrian Agent-Based Models through Scene Activity Analysis,  ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 4(3): 1627-1656. (pdf)
  • Radzikowski, J. R., Hollen, H. and Fuhrmann, S. (2015), Using Twitter Content to Crowdsource Opinions on Tanning in the United States, Kartographische Nachrichten. 2015(3): 131-138 (pdf)
  • Sun, D., Li, S., Zheng, W., Croitoru, A., Stefanidis, A. and Goldberg, M. (2015), Mapping floods due to Hurricane Sandy using NPP VIIRS and ATMS data and geotagged Flickr imagery, International Journal of Digital Earth, DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2015.1040474 (pdf).
  • Crooks, A.T., Pfoser, D., Jenkins, A., Croitoru, A., Stefanidis, Smith, D., A., Karagiorgou, S., Efentakis, A. and Lamprianidis, G. (2015), Crowdsourcing Urban Form and Function, International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 29(5): 720-741(pdf)
  • Ahmed, M., Karagiorgou, S., Pfoser, D. and Wenk, C. (2015), A Comparison and Evaluation of Map Construction Algorithms Using Vehicle Tracking Data, GeoInformatica.  19 (3): 601-632 (pdf)
  • Croitoru, A., Wayant, N., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J. and Stefanidis, A. (2015), Linking Cyber and Physical Spaces Through Community Detection And Clustering in Social Media Feeds, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 53: 47–64. (pdf)
  • Panteras, G., Wise, S., Lu, X., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T. and Stefanidis, A. (2015), Triangulating Social Multimedia Content for Event Localization using Flickr and Twitter, Transactions in GIS, 19(5): 694–715. (pdf)
  • Mullen W., Jackson, S.P., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Stefanidis, A. and Agouris, P. (2015), Assessing the Impact of Demographic Characteristics on Spatial Error in Volunteered Geographic Information Features, GeoJournal, 80(4): 587-605. (pdf)
  • Dias, S., Yang, C., Stefanidis, A. and Rice, M. (2014), Mashing up Geographic Information for Emergency Response—An Earthquake Prototype, Journal of Geographic Information System, 6(5): 50656, Available at
  • Crooks, A.T., Masad, D., Croitoru, A., Cotnoir, A., Stefanidis, A. and Radzikowski, J. (2014), International Relations: State-Driven and Citizen-Driven Networks, Social Science Computer Review, 32(2): 205-220. (pdf)
  • Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J. and Stefanidis, A. (2013), GeoSocial Gauge: A System Prototype for Knowledge Discovery from Social Media, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 27 (12): 2483-2508. (pdf)
  • Jackson, S. P., Mullen W., Agouris, P., Crooks, A. T., Croitoru, A. and Stefanidis, A. (2013), Assessing Completeness and Spatial Error of Features in Volunteered Geographic Information, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2 (2): 507-530. (pdf)
  • Stefanidis, A., Cotnoir, A., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J. and Rice, M. (2013), Demarcating New Boundaries: Mapping Virtual Polycentric Communities through Social Media Content, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 40(2): 116-129. (pdf)
  • Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A., Stefanidis, A. and Radzikowski, J. (2013), #Earthquake: Twitter as a Distributed Sensor System, Transactions in GIS, 17(1): 124-147. (pdf)
  • Stefanidis, T., Crooks, A.T. and Radzikowski, J. (2013), Harvesting Ambient Geospatial Information from Social Media Feeds, GeoJournal 78, (2): 319-338. (pdf)

Book Chapters

  • Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J. and Stefanidis, A. (in press), Geovisualization of Social Media, in Richardson, D., Castree, N., Goodchild, M. F., Kobayashi, A. L., Liu, W. and Marston, R.  (eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology, Wiley Blackwell.
  • Crooks, A.T., Hudson-Smith, A., Croitoru, A. and Stefanidis, A. (2014), The Evolving GeoWeb, in Abrahart R. J. and See, L. M. (eds.), Geocomputation (Second Edition), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 69-96. (pdf)
  • Stefanidis, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J., Croitoru, A. and Rice, M. (2014), Social Media and the Emergence of Open-Source Geospatial Intelligence, in Murdock, D.G., Tomes, R. and Tucker, C. (eds.), Human Geography: Socio-Cultural Dynamics and Global Security, US Geospatial Intelligence Foundation (USGIF), Herndon, VA, pp. 109-123. (pdf)
  • Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J., Stefanidis, A., Vatsavai, R. R. and Wayant, N. (2014), Geoinformatics and Social Media: A New Big Data Challenge, in Karimi, H. (ed.), Big Data Techniques and Technologies in Geoinformatics. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 207-232. (pdf)

Reviewed Conference Papers/Presentations

  • Schmid, K. A. Zufle, A., Pfoser, D., Crooks, A.T., Croitoru, A. and Stefanidis, A. (2017), Predicting the Evolution of Narratives in Social Media, in Gertz, M., Renz, M., Zhou, X., Hoel, E., Ku, W.-S., Voisard, A., Zhang, C., Chen, H., Tang, L., Huang, Y., Lu, C.-T. and Ravada, S. (eds.) Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: Proceedings of the 2017 International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases, Springer, New York, NY., pp. 388-392 (pdf)
  • Panteras, G., Lu, X., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T. and Stefanidis, A. (2016), Accuracy Of User-Contributed Image Tagging In Flickr:  A Natural Disaster Case Study. In Gruzd, A., Jacobson, J., Mai, P.,  Ruppert, E. and Murthy , D. (eds), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Social Media and Society, London, UK. (pdf)
  • Skoumas, G., Schmid, K.A., Jossé, G., Züfle, A., Nascimento, M.A., Renz, M. and Pfoser, D. (2014), Towards Knowledge-Enriched Path Computation, 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Dallas, TX. (pdf)
  • Lamprianidis, G., Skoutas, D., Papatheodorou, G. and Pfoser, D. (2014), Extraction, Integration and Analysis of Crowdsourced Points of Interest from Multiple Web Sources, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Crowdsourced and Volunteered Geographic Information, Dallas, TX, pp. 16-23.
  • Efentakis, A., Brakatsoulas, S., Grivas, N. and Pfoser, D. (2014), Crowdsourcing Turning Restrictions for OpenStreetMap, in Selçuk Candan, K.S., Amer-Yahia, S., Schweikardt, N., Christophides, V. and Leroy, V. (eds.), Proceedings of the Workshops of the EDBT/ICDT 2014 Joint Conference, Athens, Greece, Athens, Greece, pp. 355-362. (pdf)
  • Karagiorgou, S., Pfoser, D. and Skoutas, D. (2014), Geosemantic Network-of-Interest Construction Using Social Media Data, Eighth International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Vienna, Austria, pp. 109-125. (pdf)
  • Valkanas, G., Katakis, I., Gunopulos, D. and Stefanidis, A. (2014), Mining Twitter Data with Resource Constraints, IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WIC 2014), Warsaw, Poland. (pdf)
  • Lu, X., Croitoru, A., Radzikowski, J, Crooks, A. T. and Stefanidis, A. (2013), Comparing the Spatial Characteristics of Corresponding Cyber and Physical Communities: A Case Study, 6th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Location-Based Social Networks, Orlando, FL, pp 11-14. (pdf)
  • Karagiorgou, S., Pfoser, D. and Skoutas, D. (2013), Segmentation-Based Road Network Construction, Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Orlando, FL, pp. 470-473. (pdf)
  • Efstathiades, C. and Pfoser, D. (2013), User-Contributed Relevance and Nearest Neighbor Queries, in Sellis, T., Cheng, R., Sander, J., Zheng, Y., Kriegel, H.P., Renz, M. and Sengstock, C. (eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases, Springer, Munich, Germany, pp. 312-329. (pdf)
  • Wayant, N., Crooks, A.T., Stefanidis, A., Croitoru, A., Radzikowski, J., Stahl, J. and Shine, J. (2012), Spatiotemporal Clustering of Social Media Feeds for Activity Summarization, GI Science (7th International Conference for Geographical Information Science), Columbus, OH.(pdf)
  • Croitoru, A., Stefanidis, A., Radzikowski, J., Crooks, A. T., Stahl, J. and Wayant, N. (2012), Towards a Collaborative GeoSocial Analysis Workbench. COM-Geo, Washington, DC. (pdf)

Articles and Interviews About Our Work

  • Periodic Table. (2015), From Social Media Data to Social Knowledge, Periodic Table: A Magazine from the College of Science, Spring, Issue 12: 20. (pdf)
  • Tilton, L. (2013), Spotlight: USGIF Award Winner – Linking Human Geography and Social Media, Trajectory, 29th August 2013: web or pdf.
  • Thuermer, K. (2013), Social Intelligence, Geospatial Intelligence Forum, 11 (5): 21-25. (pdf)
  • Quinn, K. (2012), Visualizing the Invisible: GMU Pioneers a New Approach to Harvesting GEOINT, Trajectory Magazine, Fall, 11-12. (pdf)

Paper in Professional Magazines

  • Stefanidis, A., Crooks, A.T. and Croitoru, A (2015), How – and Why – Google is Transforming the Map, The Conversation, January 7th, Available at (pdf)
  • Stefanidis, A., Cotnoir, A., Croitoru, A., Crooks, A.T., Radzikowski, J. and Rice, M. (2013), Demarcating New Boundaries: Mapping Virtual Polycentric Communities through Social Media Content, IQT Quarterly, 5 (2): 12-14. (pdf)
  • Jackson, S. P., Mullen W., Agouris, P., Crooks, A. T., Croitoru, A. and Stefanidis, A. (2013), Assessing Completeness and Spatial Error of Features in Volunteered Geographic Information, IQT Quarterly, 5 (2): 22-26. (pdf)

Demarcating New Boundaries: Mapping Virtual Polycentric Communities through Social Media Content

The proliferation of social media has led to the emergence of a new type of geospatial information that defies the conventions of authoritative or volunteered geographic information, yet can be harvested to reveal unique and dynamic information about people and their activities.
